воскресенье, 13 марта 2016 г.

NGO's and Community Development.

    Let's imagine that you are a member of a new NGO based in Salzburg that has a sister city relationship with Teniente Morales, Paraguay. If you don't know what is like to be a sister city you, at least, should know it's definition, which is: Sister cities are a form of legal and social agreement between towns, cities, states, and even countries in geographically and politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.


       So, the village in Paraguay has 1000 inhabitants and is located 25 kilometres from a major town in the centre of the country. The main source of income for families is from their small, 5 hectare farms. Farmers plant cotton, mandioca, beans, sugar cane, bananas and yerba mate. Cotton prices have fallen, though and it is not profitable to plant cotton anymore. They do not have vegetable gardens anymore. They have electricity but no running water. School children can attend primary school but need to go to the major town to complete secondary studies. We have 25,000 Euros for a project...

     With that major information that is listed above, we should determine the main ways of solving their problems in terms of economic and social development. Before we start off with the plan, let's ask us, do we need to know more about their society than we know right now? From my point of view, there is pretty much another information about the structure of their life which would be our main point from which we will bounce in order to bring any solutions to their problems. For right now, we know what we need to know... So, we know a number of inhabitants, the distance between the center and village, types of farms, knowledge of what they have and don't.

Well, can we actually help Teniente Morales in community development? Yes, we can!!!!

       First of all, when we arrive there, we should notice a fact that we, for them, are the only hope for better life, so let's try to don't messed everything up. 

Let's start with farming issues that they have...
Once again, we know that the price of cotton has fallen and we have 5 hectares of land. 

How you can see in this image, its pretty much enough  to get profits out of products that we can grow there.

     We also know which types of products we can produce: bananas, sugar cane, beans and yerba mate and we know that their community struggles with water. So, let's invest 1,000 euros in order to make a system of tubes from the closest origin of water and with the help of at least 3,000 euros build a water system around our fields which spread the water all the way around the surface. We also need to invest 5,000 euros, at least, in buying supplies, beans and corns, so they can later grow it and sell for better price.

    Then let's talk about the roads which must be also rebuilt in order for transport with which we are going to buy also. We will spend 4,000 on two 2005 Freightliner School Buses which will be two major means of transport in order to transport products from place to place, as well as kids to the school. Then we spend another 5,000 dollars on rebuilding roads for these transportations.

Other 7,000 of money we will spend on additional costs, fixing houses issues and etc.